4 Useful Tips For Installing An Underground Concrete Water Tank On Your Property

Posted on: 23 January 2023

A concrete underground water tank provides a reliable water source without occupying valuable ground space on your property. Underground tanks are more cost-effective than above-ground tanks, as they don't require a special foundation during installation. However, before installing an underground concrete tank, you need to assess a few issues that may affect the tank's stability and water quality. With this in mind, here are four useful tips to consider before the installation.

Find a suitable installation location

The location of your underground storage tank can impact its stability and the quality of the stored water. Installing the tank in a flood-prone area of the property can lead to contamination of the water. Choose a level ground with proper surface drainage to maintain the quality of the water in the tank. If you decide to install the tank on a slope, ensure the area has good drainage. If the site is prone to flooding, you must install stormwater drainage systems to redirect rainwater away from your underground tank.

Assess the soil conditions on the site

Soil stability plays a key role in the performance of an underground concrete water tank. Soil with a high expansion and contraction rate, such as clay, can damage the concrete tank and cause it to crack. Similarly, soils prone to erosion can wash away and destabilise the tank. Therefore, assess the soil at your preferred installation site. If the soil isn't stable, excavate and backfill it with more suitable soil. You can also compact loose soil to increase its density and improve its ability to support the concrete tank.

Choose a reasonable tank size

An underground water tank can provide a reliable source of water for household uses. You can use it to collect rainwater or store well water or municipal water. Choose a tank with the right capacity to meet your household's needs. If you don't have a well or a reliable municipal supply, invest in a big tank that can store water for daily household use. Similarly, if you plan to use the water for small or medium-scale farming, select a tank size that can hold enough water for your farm.

Maintain the water quality in the tank

One major concern with underground concrete water tanks is water contamination. Since concrete is porous, contaminants can easily seep into the water and lower its quality. If you intend to use the water for household consumption, including cooking and showering, install a filtration system to remove contaminants. You can also use a disinfectant system, such as UV light or chlorine, to kill any microorganisms in the water.

Follow these tips to ensure your underground concrete water tank is installed properly and functions as needed. Work with a reputable contractor for professional tank installation services. 


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